Tuesday, February 01, 2011

The irish blog awards....

I have read on a few of the blogs i read from day to day that the Irish blog awards are now accepting nominations!!

There are some great blogs out there like

Food Belfast   local restaurant reviews and food matters

The funny as hell Well done fillet written by Maunel t waiter about the goings on in  his restaurant.

Grannymar has quickly become a daily read as has the Lord of Belmont - Tim

I know my days are brighten up by reading the delightful White Rabbit NI.

Sometimes its nice to see your city with a fresh set of eyes Molly an American in Belfast for a years study has been  blogging about her experiences of Belfast, Ireland and Europe in general.

So who ever you feel like voting al you have to do is click on the link and fill out the relevant part of the form!
Click to vote

You don’t have to be Irish or be living in Ireland to vote you just need to read an Irish blog.



Talk to the cabby??

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